新增副主编简介 | Gennaro Bernile

从2019年第3期起,美国迈阿密大学的Gennaro Bernile副教授开始担任China Journal of Accounting Research的副主编。

Gennaro Bernile教授2006年获得罗切斯特大学(University of Rochester)博士学位。毕业后任教于迈阿密大学(University of Miami)和新加坡管理大学(Singapore Management University),并在美国证监会做过访问学者(2008-2010年)。

Gennaro Bernile教授的研究领域包括:公司财务、公司治理、内幕交易、内部控制等等。他的研究成果多发表于会计学和金融学的顶级期刊。具体代表作如下:

“Board Diversity, Firm Risk, and Corporate Policies” (with Vineet Bhagwat and Scott Yonker), Journal of Financial Economics, 2018, Volume 127, Pages 588-612

“What doesn’t kill you will only make you more risk-loving: Early-life disasters and CEO behavior” (with Vineet Bhagwat and Raghavendra Rau), Journal of Finance, 2017, Volume 72, Pages 167-206

“Can information be locked up? Privately informed trading ahead of macro-news announcements” (with Jianfeng Hu and Yuehua Tang), Journal of Financial Economics, 2016, Volume 121, Pages 496-520

 “Local Business Cycles and Local Liquidity” (with George Korniotis, Alok Kumar, and Qin Wang), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2015, Volume 50, Issue 5, Pages 987-1010

“Home Away From Home: Geography of Information and Local Investors” (with Alok Kumar and Johan Sulaeman), Review of Financial Studies, 2015, Volume 28, Pages 2009-2049

 “The Economic Effects of SOX Section 404: A Corporate Insider Perspective” (with Scott Bauguess, Jennifer Marietta Westberg, Alex Lee), Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2013, Volume 56, Pages 267–290

“The impact of the options backdating scandal on shareholders” (with Gregg Jarrell), Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2009, Volume 47, pages 2-26


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